jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


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lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Santa Lucía


is a small island state located in the Caribbean Sea , north of San Vicente and the Grenadines, and south of the island of Martinique. He is a member of the Caribbean Community , the Organization of American States. St. Lucia is one of the Windward Islands , the name comes from St. Lucia Syracuse.

The United Kingdom took control of the island from 1663-1667 , and in the following years , which was at war with France , the rule of the island change 14 times hands (seven times it was ruled by the French and many others by the British) . In 1814 , the British took definitive control of the island. Because changing so often between British and French control , Saint Lucia was also known as the " Helen of the West Indies ." Representative government came in 1924 (with universal suffrage from 1953). From 1958 to 1962, the island was a member of the Federation of the West Indies. The February 22, 1979 Saint Lucia became an independent state in the British Commonwealth associated with the United Kingdom .

The Republic of Macedonia

The Republic of Macedonia

is an independent landlocked country located on the Balkan peninsula in southeastern Europe . Its northern border with Serbia
to the east by Bulgaria, Greece to the south and west by Albania. Its name comes from the homonymous historical region and includes the northwestern region of the Greek province of the same name, the historic Macedonia , birthplace of Philip II and Alexander the Great . Its capital is Skopje , with 700,000 inhabitants.
In 1991 , the former Socialist Republic of Macedonia , which was part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia , declared independence under the official name of Republic of Macedonia. The use of the term " Macedonia " was rejected by Greece emerged a dispute over the name of this country that continues today. The country is sometimes referred to simply as Macedonia , while following a compromise between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia in 1993 is used provisional reference the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia or FYR of Macedonia

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

La burbuja inmobiliaria en España

La crisis provocada por la explosión de la burbuja inmobiliaria ha costado a los hogares uno de cada tres euros con los que contaban y una media de 54.500 euros a cada familia que tenía una vivienda en propiedad, según la encuesta de riqueza del banco central europeo (bce)

el bce achaca esta depreciación del patrimonio a la estructura de ahorro. así, en años previos al estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria el 83% de los hogares en españa eran dueños de una viviendafrente al 44% de los germanos. una diferencia que se amplía en las clases más pobres de los dos países. además, solo un 9% de los ahorros de los españoles estaban depositados en activos financieros frente al 22% de los alemanes

pero esto no es la causa que justifica este coste, ya que mientras que el ladrillo español ha perdido valor, el germano se ha ido incrementando. en consecuencia, los hogares españoles se han empobrecido un 26% mientras que los alemanes se han enriquecido en un 11%

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014


Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal (French: République du Sénégal ) is a sovereign state in West Africa whose form of government is a semi-presidential republic. Its territory is divided into 14 regions .
It owes its name to the Senegal River , which marks the eastern and northern border. Senegal borders the Atlantic Ocean to the west , Mauritania to the north, Mali to the east, and Guinea and Guinea- Bissau to the south. Gambia forms a virtual enclave within Senegal , following the Gambia River more than 300 km inland. The Cape Verde Islands are located 560 km offshore , off the Senegalese coast. The country's population is estimated at about 13 million people. The climate is tropical with two seasons, dry and rainy .
Dakar , the capital of Senegal, is located at the westernmost point of the country, on the Cape Verde Peninsula . During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , numerous trading posts belonging to various colonial powers were established on the coast. The town of St. Louis became the capital in this era of French West Africa before he moved to Dakar in 1902. Dakar later became its capital in 1960 at the time of independence from France .